Services Offered

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Nov 01

Personalized Case Management

All support groups are facilitated by our professional staff with the focus on teaching and engaging our clients in the process of learning symptom management skills, gaining personal insight, discovering their potential and changing unwanted behaviors. This is accomplished through the use of psychosocial groups, individual counseling, life skill development, quality of life activities and teaching social skill development. An emphasis is placed on fostering each individual’s recognition of the behaviors and environments that will support his/her health and wellness as well as those behaviors and environments that cause stress to his/her mental and physical health.

In addition to our case management service, M. Ludwig & Associates Inc. offers a socialization component that can be incorporated into the overall case management module, or for people who do not wish to have full case management services, the socialization component can be utilized alone, as we believe it is a vitally important area that greatly enhances the quality and enjoyment of a person’s life. See the sidebar on the right for more information on socialization skills.

A Whole-Person, Real-World Approach

In order to create a unified team approach to best support each client’s care, M. Ludwig & Associates Inc. regularly schedules case reviews for each client with collaborating consultants, treatment team professionals, and allied program staff for each client.

Clients on a trip in front of the Chinatown Gate on Grant St, San Francisco

M. Ludwig & Associates Inc. actively seeks out clinicians, residential programs (including those specializing in dual diagnosis treatment), therapists, vocational rehabilitation programs, psychiatrists, and physicians from a broad spectrum of experts and available resources to ensure that the providers and programs to which the client is referred have the expertise and skills to best fit their personal needs.

We maintain close contact with all support persons involved including therapists, psychiatrists, physicians and family members.

Mental Health Team with Clients in front of Yosemite Sign
Socialization gathering activities vary significantly in scope and effort.

Some clients look forward to trips to California’s parks and recreation areas.

However, others are most comfortable with much more local, low-key excursions and activities.

Whether it’s a trip to Yosemite or an afternoon BBQ in a client’s own home, Michele and her team create a comfortable, appropriate, and confidence-building experience tailored to the individual’s needs and abilities.

BBQ with Client